知名设计组合 Craig & Karl 的新作品,将其标志性的多彩图形印刷在口罩上,为千篇一律的面部保护增添趣味。口罩材质为可重复洗涤的棉布,且双面可用,可以在 MigrateArt 网站购买。口罩产品的所有销售利润将被捐献给公益组织难民社区厨房(Refugee Community Kitchen)发起的 #MasksForMeals 活动, 旨在帮助在新冠疫情大封锁期间缺少食物的难民和流浪者。
参与活动并捐献图形创作的艺术家还包括 Helen Beard, Kai & Sunny, Jon Burgerman, Miaz Brothers, Philip Colbert and Richard Woods, Camille Walala, Craig & Karl, Friends With You, Mike Perry, and Swoon.
Craig & Karl donated their artwork to #MasksForMeals, 100% of the profits go to @RefugeeCommunityKitchen to support feeding UK’s homeless during the pandemic.
Refugee Community Kitchen have collaborated with some of the world’s most exciting artists to create reversible, washable and reusable face masks that help feed the UK’s homeless. The artists on the list including Helen Beard, Kai & Sunny, Jon Burgerman, Miaz Brothers, Philip Colbert and Richard Woods, Camille Walala, Craig & Karl, Friends With You, Mike Perry, and Swoon.
The project has raised £10K+ which supplies more than 15,000 meals. All masks are available at MigrateArt.
