我們幾乎被持續的居家隔離憋瘋,不過這并不會阻擋創意的迸發。日本設計師/藝術家 Manami Sasaki 選擇了早餐的麵包土司來發泄,—-她把酸奶/奶油/核桃仁/抹茶粉小心翼翼地組合,用一把叉子當作了畫筆,成功將日本庭園裏的枯山水搬到了早餐桌上。突如其來的疫情打亂了全人類的節奏,如同麵包上的堅果在奶油中蕩起的波紋,互相作用,逐漸抵消。
她的早餐創意還在繼續, 還慷慨地公開了食譜,畢竟每天都得吃早餐呀。
We actually hate satying at home… before we find something really interesting to do. Japanese designer Manami Sasaki seems find something fun buy using her hands. She has embarked on a series of creative stay-at-home breakfasts using toast as her canvas. Inspired by the Japanese Rock Garden, Manami Sasaki used sour cream that’s she carefully and artfully raked with her fork to mimic the swirls of sand, originally meant to represent ripples of water. Macadamia nuts and walnuts were strategically placed to represent stones while matcha powder was sprinkled around them like moss.
Keep updated on her instagram page, since we need breakfast everyday.
