


網站內容需填寫郵箱,註冊後免費瀏覽。 “低空飞行”网站自2021年8月30日开始无需注册即可登录,感兴趣的朋友可随时浏览。
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Kenya Hara launched his new website Teikuhiko recently, it is not about airplane travel. It’s a website introducing spots that have specially chosen, posing the question to visitors, “What do you think of this kind of Japan?” Kenya Hara created the content, including location selection, photos, videos, text and editing, he takes responsibility for maintaining the individuality and purity of the information. Teikuhiko is a figurative title indicating the altitude at which you can view the landscape fully, with the image of touring Japan in both depth and detail; it’s a vision that concentrates on the core of Japan’s charm and appeal.

