fan-art/ fan-made movie poster for

Matt Needle’s yearly Oscars Poster Project.

We are now in the Oscars Season

Matt Needle, a talented designer and illustrator hailing from the United Kingdom, has a great interest in the creation of movie posters. Every year, he crafts unique and thought-provoking designs for the nominees of the Academy Award Best Picture category. While his artistic style is distinct from the official posters, it is nonetheless captivating in its own way. Those with similar interests may find it worth their time to follow Matt’s Twitter account.

Matt Needle 是活躍在英國卡迪夫的設計師,他通常都會在每年的奧斯卡頒獎季為獲得最佳影片提名的電影,設計一版自己的海報,——這也成為他每年令人期待的作品之一。


All images copyright © Matt Needle
